Epidemic Center Aralon Page 6
Rhodan nodded. Everything was prepared. The navigation computer had already calculated the exact data for the planned short hypertransition. The Titan would come so close to Aralon that it was to rematerialize in the planet's atmosphere. Minutes later, the Ganymede was to follow and take over the defense position to cover their back in the direction of outer space.
It was a daring undertaking, even though the journey was almost at an end. Only half of the crew was able-bodied now, although they were well trained. But it was going to take more than raw know-how and ability to decide whether Rhodan's plan was to succeed or not. Especially it would require a generous portion of luck.
The zero moment arrived.
The mighty ship disappeared from normal space and instantly reappeared just two miles over the landing field of Aralon.
As the giant sphere appeared above the accumulation of spaceships, many of the galactic visitors caught their breaths. They recognized it at once for what it was. But what did an Arkonide battleship of this major class have to do on this planet of healing and gentle mercy?
Rhodan, however, was not concerned with the thoughts of these races of people who were strangers to him and he was through with deference and consideration. He simply pancaked the Titan to the ground and landed it on the edge of the field. Not 3 seconds later the lower loading locks opened, ramps extended outward and then the robots began to march. They were steel giants, almost 8 feet tall and with 4 arms. The 2 lower arms were nothing more than portable impulse rayguns, with which any resistance could be nipped in the bud. The energy of these weapons, when concentrated could vaporize any material substance and cause it to disappear. With heavy, rhythmic steps, the metal legs of the fighting machines came down the ramps and touched the surface of Aralon—then they marched onward. The robots formed themselves into columns, the head of which was directed toward the building under which lay the laboratories.
Rhodan gave a final command over the radio.
The robot army set itself in motion.
A number of Aras standing at the entrance of the Administration Center had watched the spectacle in frozen astonishment. Their minds seemed unable to grasp what their eyes were observing. But then, as the glittering phalanx of robots marched in their direction, they lost their temporary paralysis. With cloaks and smocks fluttering they hurried inside the building and slammed the doors behind them.
Entirely unarmed, Rhodan disembarked from the Titan with Khrest and Pucky. The two men strode along behind the robots in a manner that was deliberately calm and dignified, while they did not so much as favor the nearby ships and their crews with the slightest glance. Pucky, whose normal walking method was difficult, and whose waddling gait would be anything but dignified, fell back on his paranormal capabilities. Telekinetically, he raised himself about 6 inches off the ground and floated over the smooth synthetic surface along with the others. His appearance was thus not only impressive but in a certain degree uncanny.
About 10 robots marched silently ahead and arrived at the main entrance of the administration building where several ambulances were standing in the forecourt. Rhodan saw the lightning of several energy beams and then the entrance doors ceased to exist. Without having been interrupted in their pace, the robots pressed into the building and, according to instructions, occupied all exits and elevators that led underground. The express command not to kill anyone remained in effect.
Rhodan tamed on the small transmitter on his armband. "Lt. Bristal, is everything in order?"
The answer came immediately: "All clear! No one dares to bother us. There are no further changes on other ships. Our guns are manned and ready for action. We await your further instructions."
"For the time being—none!" said Rhodan grimly and cut off.
At a distance of about 2 miles, a 2500-foot-long cylindrical ship lowered slowly toward the field, which was clear in that area, and finally came to rest. The Ganymede had also landed and would, according to plan, disgorge 200 robots, which would form a cordon around the ship. This measure had been conceived by Rhodan as being slightly more than merely impressive show. It was necessary to demonstrate the presence of power and whether or not that power was to be used depended entirely upon the Aras.
Khrest whispered: "Over there—a Springer ship. I presume they have brought sick patients also. The Aras don't exempt their own relations!"
Rhodan looked closer. It was one of the torpedo-shaped ships that were very familiar to him, almost a thousand feet long and standing vertically on its telescopic landing struts. His eye caught a movement above near the bow. A circular hatch turned and revealed an open gun emplacement. Out of this he now saw the spiral muzzle of an energy cannon emerge and take aim on the marching mechmen.
Rhodan took lightning swift action: "Lt. Bristal! You have an alert for a Springer ship—200 yards east. A ray cannon on the bow. Neutralize it immediately—but only destroy the bow!"
Before the Springers could fire a shot, there was a lightning flash from the Titan. Rhodan observed that the bow of the impertinent torpedo ship began to glow and then melt down. The dangerous cannon disappeared. There was nothing left of the bow portion of the vessel. "That's enough, Bristal. Adjust your telecom equipment to the normal frequency channel for Aralon. Plug in the amplifiers. I want to put through a short announcement to the commanders who are gathered here."
A few moments later this arrangement was confirmed.
Without stopping, and while continuing to follow the robots, Rhodan spoke into his transmitter: "Attention! To all ships stationed on Aralon. This is Perry Rhodan of Terra, speaking to you by order of the Regent of Arkon! This is a firm warning to all visitors to Aralon not to interfere with the ensuing action here. From this moment on there will be no exceptions and no consideration will be given. Anyone either attacking us or giving assistance to the Aras will be destroyed. This is a police action by order of Arkon. I repeat: whoever interferes will suffer the consequences!"
Rhodan knew that everyone heard the message because no ship was in the habit of leaving its radio communication station unmanned. So everyone knew with whom they were dealing and they were going to start cogitating over who this Rhodan of Terra might be. It was a name that on one had ever heard before.
Pucky cried out suddenly in greatest alarm: "They're strapping Tiff down on the table! His cries for help are more and more urgent! He doesn't even know where we are or if we are even hearing his calls!"
"The poor devil!" muttered Rhodan and quickened his pace. "If they do anything to him, we show them no mercy."
Perhaps this threat was not intended to be so severe but it caused Khrest to pale. The good reputation of Arkon was of prime importance.
"Lt. Bristal! Have the left robot column take over guard duty up to the edge of the landing field. The right column I want at my disposal and I'd like to talk to its commander."
The command was passed on over the Titan's radio immediately to the robots. The left wing turned and took up a formation in front of the long building. Their weapons were trained on the forest of spaceships. The right column, on the other hand, came to a halt.
One of the ponderous mechmen came back and stood in front of Rhodan. "Your orders?" he asked with an impersonal ring to his voice which was a little reminiscent of the robot brain of Arkon.
"I want 3 robots to accompany me. The others will see to it that our thrust into the subterranean laboratories will have protection at our rear. Khrest and Pucky will go with me." He turned to the mouse-beaver. "Directions, Pucky? Be as accurate as you can."
Pucky pointed diagonally toward the ground ahead of them "There, at a little over 6 miles deep—or more exactly, 30,582 feet down under." He looked up again and turned his gaze to the buildings over at one side—especially the one with the ramp and the entrance doors. "And there are the elevators that they use to go down underground with."
As the 3 robots reported to him, Rhodan didn't lose any more time. Their serial numbers were printed on metal shie
lds attached to their glistening chests. These were a form of address code.
"RK-935, you go in front of us and get rid of any physical obstacles. Do not kill any living beings but you may paralyze them. RK-940 and RK-999 take over the rear guard. March!"
The forecourt seemed to be deserted. A few vehicles stood around, empty and deserted. The open entrance way seemed to yawn like the maw of a hungry giant.
Pucky suddenly piped shrilly: "There ahead! They are waiting for us—also unarmed! They want to talk to us! One of them is Themos. I was able to identify his thoughts. He wants to make you a proposition, Rhodan, and I think it may be a sneaky one. it has to do with some kind of a business deal."
"Springers are always Springers," Khrest murmured and hurried to keep pace with Rhodan. Pucky had glided on ahead and waited for them next to the entrance.
Behind lay a brightly-lighted passage. RK-935 marched heavily onward with both his weapon arms at the ready. His forcefield was not yet activated inasmuch as no armed resistance was expected.
They came into a white hall that appeared to be the one Tiff had described. Two ambulances stood to one side in a parking indentation along the wall. Corridors and doors led off in all possible directions.
A group of Aras in white smocks came toward Rhodan and stopped a small distance away. One of them, an older albino, raised his arms and spoke in tones of dignified reproachfulness. "What is an armed invasion doing an a hospital planet? As I can see, this monstrous atrocity is being perpetrated with the knowledge of Arkon. May I request an explanation for this and ask a question..."
"If there's going to be any questioning around here, I'll do it," interrupted Rhodan coldly. "If I'm not mistaken, you are Themos."
The old one was startled and confused. How did this stranger know his name? Was this Rhodan's deputy? He couldn't imagine that this might be Rhodan himself, especially coming unarmed, even though accompanied by several robots.
"Yes, I am Themos—chief of the research section for extra-imperial sectors. What do you want? Who are you?"
"Before I tell you that I'll give you some good advice—and that is to set my people free. You can experiment on whomever you wish but not on Lt. Tifflor and Sengu."
A fleeting smile touched the lips of the Ara. "What interest could you have in people who betray you? It should be a matter of indifference as to who punishes them."
"Do what I tell you or suffer the consequences."
Themos hesitated. He cast a glance at RK-935 and realized that in the presence of force there was very little opportunity for making deals. "Do you place no value on Thora?" he asked calmly. "We have cured her. You can tell Rhodan, in that regard, that..."
"I am Rhodan."
Themos had guessed this by now. He controlled his reactions but his companions seemed to shrink an inch or two. Pucky waddled a few steps ahead of Rhodan and observed Themos appraisingly—then he displayed his telekinetic capability.
Suddenly the old Ara lost his footing and began to rise toward the ceiling while flailing frantically about. There was a muffled thud as his head struck against the ceiling lamp. His appearance was not particularly encouraging to the other Aras, who had watched the event with wide-eyed expressions of incredulity. Themos himself had lost his voice and looked below him fearfully.
Rhodan asked, "Which elevator goes down to the medical warehouse?" As Themos did not give an answer, he said to Pucky, "Drop him—but not too fast."
Themos suddenly got back his normal weight and fell almost the whole 15 feet without support. The mouse-beaver braked his fall only at the last moment but not sufficiently to avoid a hard impact. Themos let out a cry and then lay crumpled on the floor.
"So which elevator?" repeated Rhodan.
One of the Aras finally stepped forward. "That door over there," he said. He seemed to realize that there could be no manipulating in the presence of robots and supernatural forces. "But I wish to caution you that it is forbidden..."
Rhodan cut him short. "The theft of humans is also forbidden. Go ahead of us there and show us the way. RK940, you stay here and make sure that these Aras don't move from the spot." He touched Pucky on the back. "What's with Tiff?"
"They're taking Sengu first. There's no direct danger for the moment. But I was able to pick up Thora's thoughts. She is safe but under guard. They've locked her in a room that's about 300 feet underneath us. I find her there every time I search."
The Ara that was to show them the way stopped in front of a door. He pressed a button. The door slid to one side. Behind it was revealed a small cubicle.
Rhodan shook his head. "There must be freight elevators. This is too small."
The Ara shrugged his shoulders and walked over to a wider door behind which a square chamber was revealed that was 4 times as large as the previous one.
"You come along with us," Rhodan commanded and shoved the Ara in ahead of him. "And now, no more delaying tactics, my friend. You know where our two people are located. So hurry. If we arrive too late, none of you will ever see your next birthday."
"I am ready to help you," mumbled the Ara, reproachful that they did not recognize his good will. "Do not believe that all of us are in agreement with the actions of Themos."
Rhodan looked at Pucky. The mouse-beaver searched the Ara's subconscious mind and then shook his head. In a shrill voice, he revealed the results of his telepathic sounding. "He lies because be can do nothing else. The Aras live by these activities and consider them to be lawful—that is, lawful in their eyes. No one goes against the will of Themos. Besides that, this fellow is planning to lead us astray, so watch out!"
With unconcealed horror the Ara saw his most secret thoughts laid bare. Who was this uncanny little creature that could read his thoughts? Was there nothing that could prevent this Rhodan from destroying the very basis for existence on Aralon?
The Ara made a heroic resolution. If all else failed, he would have to sacrifice himself for his people. If he were to die and Rhodan died with him, then no one would ever learn the source of inexhaustible wealth from which the race of the Aras subsisted.
It was fortunate for him that Pucky was occupied at that moment in receiving new calls for help from Tiff. Sengu had been escorted past him but now this was an enthusiastically hopeful Sengu, because at long last he had seen the arrival of Rhodan above him in the Administration Building. He looked through more than 6 miles of solid matter and knew that the rescue could not be far away. It was none too soon, however. "They are already in the elevator," he whispered to Tiff, who lay buckled down tightly to the white table. Glaring light forced him to close his eyes tightly. Only a few minutes more...
Pucky was receiving Tiffs thoughts and was about to report them to Rhodan when the Ara made a sudden furtive move with his hand. He grasped the operating lever of the elevator, jerked it sharply beyond the safety, stop and with all his strength broke the lever off.
At the same time, everyone in the cubical became weightless.
RK-999 had stepped forward in order to prevent the Ara from moving the lever, since Rhodan had not given any instruction for such an action. Now his legs rose up from the floor of the cubicle and, since there was no resistance to stop his forward motion, he floated weightlessly toward the Ara, who could only stare at him in horror. Even Pucky was not able to slow the involuntary flight of the ponderous robot, which now slowly but with full force crashed against the helpless Ara and broke every bone in the weak and brittle body of this descendant of the Arkonides and Springers.
The traitor had received a quick and painless death.
However, the elevator hurtled now with increasing velocity into the depths and toward the center of the planet.
• • •
"Only a few minutes more..." Sengu interrupted himself. No one hindered him from speaking but in spite of this he became silent and shuddered. He had seen how the Ara had sabotaged the elevator before he died.
"What is it?" asked Tiff as he strained at the leather straps
that tied him to the table. "Why don't you keep on talking?"
Sengu continued to stare at the ceiling. He did not resist when he was also strapped down. Aras hurried busily here and there, arranging glistening instruments and talking quietly among themselves.
"What is it?" Tiff yelled, repeating his question.
One of the scientists cast a glance at him but did not trouble himself any further concerning the two Terranians, who in his eyes might as well be dead already.
"The elevator!" groaned Sengu, frightened. "It's dropping into the depths. The Ara broke off the control lever. Nobody can stop the falling cage."
To Tiff it was as though someone had just cut off his wind. As long as he had known Rhodan to be on his way, he had kept up his confidence, but when the rescuer himself was caught in the trap, it seemed that there wasn't any way out any more. The Aras could carry out their devilish plans without hindrance and then one day unknown plagues and epidemics would break out on the Earth, whose only cure would be the impossibly high-priced medicines of the Aras. The circle would then have been closed.
Gathering all his reserves of strength, he strained upward and tore loose the straps that held down his left arm on the table. Several Aras sprang immediately toward him and pressed him back but even with one arm Tiff was a dangerous opponent. His searching hand discovered a hard object. He gripped the shear-like instrument and shoved it into the body of the nearest Ara. With a cry of pain, the wounded medic staggered and sank down, groping for support, and finally collapsed on the floor.
Before Tiff could look around for a new attacker, he suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of his neck. He whirled about, but the hand holding the injection needle drew away swiftly.
The paralysis came immediately and raced from his brain to his arms and his legs. The instrument fell from his hand. He did not resist any more as they refastened his arm to the table.
Sengu did not seem to pay much attention to this occurrence. Wide-eyed in fright he gazed diagonally toward the ceiling. His gaze wandered to the wall then and moved downward until finally he was staring at the floor.